Algivon je absorpčné, sterilné, nepriľnavé alginátové krytie napustené Activon medom. Súčasné pôsobenie medu a alginátu predlžuje pôsobenie medu v rane. Efektívne odstraňuje nekrotické a odlupujúce sa tkanivo z rany.
- Kombinácia 100 % prírodného medu a alginátu predžuje antimikrobiálny efekt krytia.
- Zabezpečuje vlhké prostredie pre hojenie rany a zároveň absorbuje exsudát.
- Rýchlo redukuje bakteriálne osídlenie bez použitia cytotoxických látok.
- Umožňuje dlhodobé používanie bez rizika vzniku rezistencie.
- Rýchly autolytický debridment.
- Postupné uvoľňovanie medu zabezpečuje pomalú zmenu pH v rane.
- Jednoduchá aplikácia aj odstraňovanie krytia (minimalizácia počtu reziduí v rane).
Algivon je určený na suché, skvamózne, nekrotické, infikované a páchnuce rany ako napríklad:
- vredy predkolenia,
- diabetické nohy,
- preležaniny,
- popáleniny,
- postradiačné rany,
- hlboké dutinové rany,
- rozpadnuté operačné rany,
- vrátane ATB rezistentných kmeňov:
- Staphylococcus aureus,
- Pseudomonas auriginosa,
- MRSA (Meticilín rezistentný Staphylococcus aureus)
- MSSA (Penicilín rezistentný a Meticilín senzitívny Staphylococcus aureus),
- VRE (Vancomycin rezistentný Enterococcus faecalis)
Nepoužívajte v prípade alergie na medové produkty. Niektorí pacienti môžu po aplikácii pociťovať bolesť, v závislosti od citlivosti rany, môže byť potrebné zvážiť primeranú úroveň analgézie. Ak bolesť neustupuje, prerušte používanie a vyčistite ranu fyziologickým roztokom. Upozornenie: obsahuje glukózu. Odporúča sa monitorovať pacientov s ochorením diabetes.
Aplikujte priamo na ranu ktoroukoľvek stranou. V prípade väčšej rany použite potrebný počet Algivon krytí na prekrytie celého povrchu rany. Algivon môžete strihaním upraviť podľa potreby. Následne prekryte sekundárnym krytím podľa vlastného uváženia a v závislosti od rozsahu poranenia môžete použiť filmové alebo absorpčné krytie.
Frekvencia výmeny
Dĺžka použitia závisí od klinického stavu rany, indikáciou pre výmenu krytia je zmena jeho farby, krytie môže byť použité maximálne 7 dní.
ŠÚKL kód | Názov | Doplnok | Cena | ÚZP | Doplatok | Preskripčné obmedzenie | Balenie |
A 84284 | Algivon | 10 × 10 cm | 9,90 € | 4,95 € | 4,95 € | DER, ANG, CHI, CCH | 5 ks |
- The use of Actilite® on severe bilateral leg ulcers
- The use of Actilite® on a venous leg ulcer
- The use of Actilite® dressing and four layer bandages in the management of venous leg ulceration
- The effects of Activon® Tube on a patient with Type 2 Diabetes
- The use of Activon® Tube and Algivon® on an elderly male diabetic patient with a grade 5 sacral wound
- The use of Activon® Tulle dressing on extensive cellulitis of the right leg
- Activon® honey in the treatment of a fungating tumour
- Algivon® on chronic lymphoedema and recurring cellulitis
- The effects of Activon® manuka honey on a non-compliant patient with chronic venous leg ulcers
- Using Activon® medical grade Manuka honey with diabetic foot ulcers
- Activon® Manuka honey in diabetic patient with digital ulceration
- The use of Activon® Tulle on an overgranulated grade 3 pressure ulcer
- Do honey dressings reduce the need for antibiotics?
- Evaluation of a Honey dressing on wounds within Primary Care
- Is Honey the Bees’ Knees?
- Use of Honey in Managing Burn Wounds
- The long term use of honey dressings on ischaemic feet
- The determination of antimicrobial activity of three honey impregnated wound dressings by challenge test with EMRSA-15
- The use of Actibalm® on a Grade 3 pressure ulcer to the mouth
- The use of Advancis Manuka honey dressing on a grade 4 pressure ulcer
- The use of Manuka honey dressing on the treatment of ulcerations caused by Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticum
- Algivon® & Actilite® in the treatment of ischaemic ulceration of the foot
- The use of Activon® Tube & Activon® Tulle on the treatment of necrotic foot, heal & shin
- The debriding activity of of 100% Manuka honey dressings in different wound etiologies
- Activon® Tulle & Actilite® as a primary dressing under compression for a Lymphoedema patient
- Activon® Tulle in the treatment & prevention of MRSA, an effective treatment for chronic wound infections
- Activon® Tube used on foot ulcerations following a chemical burn injury
- Algivon® in the treatment of a traumatic amputation to the right ring finger
- Treatment of Grade 2 pressure damage to both sides of the mouth using Actibalm® & Activon Tube®
- Actilite® & Algivon® in the treatment of dorsal & plantar superficial ulcers
- Activon® Tulle on a 67 year old male patient with Grade 4 pressure ulcer
- Actilite® on a venous ulcer
- Activon® Tube & Actilite® on a paediatric burn
- Use of Activon® Manuka honey on a burn to the lower leg
- Use of Algivon® & Advazorb® in treatment of a plantar ulcer on an elderly patient
- The use of Algivon® on a burn to the face, neck & scalp
- A prospective evaluation of the use of honey dressings to manage burn wounds - Jacky Edwards Wounds UK
- Is Manuka honey a credible alternative to silver in wound care? - Rose Cooper, David Gray
- Efficacy of medical grade honey as an autolytic deridement agent - Julie Evans, Kirsty Mahoney
- Do honey - impregnated dressings affect glycaemic control? Pam Kirkby,
- A positive review of Manuka honey dressings
- Collaborative working in healing a chronic wound of two years, in eight weeks using Manuka honey
- Debridement of chronic leg ulcers with Algivon®
- The effectiveness of multiple debridement techniques in a case featuring extensive ulceration and necrosis to both feet
- The complexities of wound healing
- The use of Activon® Manuka honey on electrical burns
- Activon® Manuka honey in the treatment of a paediatric severe scald to the face & neck
- Activon® Manuka honey dressings used aboard Mercy Ships
- The use of Advancis Manuka honey on a burn to the lower leg
- Activon® Tulle & Actilite® as a primary dressing under compression for a Lymphoedema patient
- The use of Algivon® in the treatment of a traumatic amputation to the right ring finger distal to the DIP joint
- The use of Activon® Tube on foot ulceration following a chemical burn injury on a patient with Diabetic Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy
- The use of Advancis Manuka honey dressings used on pressure sores in the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed in Bangladesh
- The use of Actilite® and Algivon® in the treatment of dorsal & plantar superficial ulcers
- The use of Activon® Tulle on a venous ulcer
- Use of Advancis Medical Grade Manuka honey in the diabetic patient with digital ulceration, synovial involvement & osteomyelitis
- Providing a Burns Service in Northern Tanzania - Catherine Hadall
- The use of Medical Grade Manuka honey to facilitate auto-amputation of fingertip necrosis - Sian Cryer
- A successful combination: Teicoplanin & Manuka honey in the management of cellulitic wounds - Kate Owen
- Inhibition of biofilms through the use of Manuka honey - Rose Cooper, Leighton Jenkins, Richard Rowlands Wounds UK