Activon Tube
Activon med je medicínskou formou medu Manuka s výborným antibakteriálnym účinkom, ktorý nebol dokázaný u iných druhov medu.
Účinky Manuka medu
- Zabraňuje rastu baktérií.
- Znižuje bakteriálne osídlenie.
- Enzymaticky čistí povlečené rany.
- Redukuje zápach.
- Urýchľuje hojenie vytvorením vlhkého antimikrobiálneho prostredia.
Activon Tube je určený predovšetkým na suché, skvamózne, hlboké, nekrotické, páchnuce, povlečené a infikované rany ako sú:
- dekubity,
- vredy predkolenia,
- diabetické nohy,
- chirurgické rany,
- popáleniny,
- odberové plochy,
- sínusy a kavity,
- infikované rany,
- vrátane ATB rezistentných kmeňov:
- Staphylococcus aureus,
- Pseudomonas auriginosa,
- MRSA (Meticilín rezistentný Staphylococcus aureus)
- MSSA (Penicilín rezistentný a Meticilín senzitívny Staphylococcus aureus),
- VRE (Vancomycin rezistentný Enterococcus faecalis)
Nepoužívajte v prípade alergie na medové produkty. Niektorí pacienti môžu po aplikácii pociťovať bolesť, v závislosti od citlivosti rany, môže byť potrebné zvážiť primeranú úroveň analgézie. Ak bolesť neustupuje, prerušte používanie a vyčistite ranu fyziologickým roztokom. Upozornenie: obsahuje glukózu. Odporúča sa monitorovať pacientov s ochorením diabetes.
Priamo na lôžko rany, samostatne alebo v kombinácii s iným krytím napusteným Activon medom. Optimálna vrstva medu na rane je 5 mm. Použite vhodné sekundárne krytie, napríklad Eclypse alebo Advazorb. Balenie je určené na použitie u jedného pacienta.
Frekvencia výmeny
Dĺžka použitia závisí od klinického stavu rany, optimálne množstvo medu na rane je 5 mm.
ŠÚKL kód | Názov | Doplnok | Cena | ÚZP | Doplatok | Preskripčné obmedzenie | Balenie |
A 84285 | Activon Tube | 25 g | 7,66 € | 7,66 € | 0,00 € | DER, ANG, CHI, CCH | 1 ks |
- The use of Actilite® on severe bilateral leg ulcers
- The use of Actilite® on a venous leg ulcer
- The use of Actilite® dressing and four layer bandages in the management of venous leg ulceration
- The effects of Activon® Tube on a patient with Type 2 Diabetes
- The use of Activon® Tube and Algivon® on an elderly male diabetic patient with a grade 5 sacral wound
- The use of Activon® Tulle dressing on extensive cellulitis of the right leg
- Activon® honey in the treatment of a fungating tumour
- Algivon® on chronic lymphoedema and recurring cellulitis
- The effects of Activon® manuka honey on a non-compliant patient with chronic venous leg ulcers
- Using Activon® medical grade Manuka honey with diabetic foot ulcers
- Activon® Manuka honey in diabetic patient with digital ulceration
- The use of Activon® Tulle on an overgranulated grade 3 pressure ulcer
- Do honey dressings reduce the need for antibiotics?
- Evaluation of a Honey dressing on wounds within Primary Care
- Is Honey the Bees’ Knees?
- Use of Honey in Managing Burn Wounds
- The long term use of honey dressings on ischaemic feet
- The determination of antimicrobial activity of three honey impregnated wound dressings by challenge test with EMRSA-15
- The use of Actibalm® on a Grade 3 pressure ulcer to the mouth
- The use of Advancis Manuka honey dressing on a grade 4 pressure ulcer
- The use of Manuka honey dressing on the treatment of ulcerations caused by Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticum
- Algivon® & Actilite® in the treatment of ischaemic ulceration of the foot
- The use of Activon® Tube & Activon® Tulle on the treatment of necrotic foot, heal & shin
- The debriding activity of of 100% Manuka honey dressings in different wound etiologies
- Activon® Tulle & Actilite® as a primary dressing under compression for a Lymphoedema patient
- Activon® Tulle in the treatment & prevention of MRSA, an effective treatment for chronic wound infections
- Activon® Tube used on foot ulcerations following a chemical burn injury
- Algivon® in the treatment of a traumatic amputation to the right ring finger
- Treatment of Grade 2 pressure damage to both sides of the mouth using Actibalm® & Activon Tube®
- Actilite® & Algivon® in the treatment of dorsal & plantar superficial ulcers
- Activon® Tulle on a 67 year old male patient with Grade 4 pressure ulcer
- Actilite® on a venous ulcer
- Activon® Tube & Actilite® on a paediatric burn
- Use of Activon® Manuka honey on a burn to the lower leg
- Use of Algivon® & Advazorb® in treatment of a plantar ulcer on an elderly patient
- The use of Algivon® on a burn to the face, neck & scalp
- A prospective evaluation of the use of honey dressings to manage burn wounds - Jacky Edwards Wounds UK
- Is Manuka honey a credible alternative to silver in wound care? - Rose Cooper, David Gray
- Efficacy of medical grade honey as an autolytic deridement agent - Julie Evans, Kirsty Mahoney
- Do honey - impregnated dressings affect glycaemic control? Pam Kirkby,
- A positive review of Manuka honey dressings
- Collaborative working in healing a chronic wound of two years, in eight weeks using Manuka honey
- Debridement of chronic leg ulcers with Algivon®
- The effectiveness of multiple debridement techniques in a case featuring extensive ulceration and necrosis to both feet
- The complexities of wound healing
- The use of Activon® Manuka honey on electrical burns
- Activon® Manuka honey in the treatment of a paediatric severe scald to the face & neck
- Activon® Manuka honey dressings used aboard Mercy Ships
- The use of Advancis Manuka honey on a burn to the lower leg
- Activon® Tulle & Actilite® as a primary dressing under compression for a Lymphoedema patient
- The use of Algivon® in the treatment of a traumatic amputation to the right ring finger distal to the DIP joint
- The use of Activon® Tube on foot ulceration following a chemical burn injury on a patient with Diabetic Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy
- The use of Advancis Manuka honey dressings used on pressure sores in the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed in Bangladesh
- The use of Actilite® and Algivon® in the treatment of dorsal & plantar superficial ulcers
- The use of Activon® Tulle on a venous ulcer
- Use of Advancis Medical Grade Manuka honey in the diabetic patient with digital ulceration, synovial involvement & osteomyelitis
- Providing a Burns Service in Northern Tanzania - Catherine Hadall
- The use of Medical Grade Manuka honey to facilitate auto-amputation of fingertip necrosis - Sian Cryer
- A successful combination: Teicoplanin & Manuka honey in the management of cellulitic wounds - Kate Owen
- Inhibition of biofilms through the use of Manuka honey - Rose Cooper, Leighton Jenkins, Richard Rowlands Wounds UK